Lightning Gun, random level generation and weapon unlocks!

I've added a bunch of cool new stuff in this release:

  • Random level generation including new artwork.
  • Weapons unlock progression (you can skip it from the options menu if grinding 600 lifetime crates bums you out).
  • Additional controls map — now you can use WASD to move, O to shoot, and P/Space to jump.
  • Two new guns:
    • Lightning Gun — it could help you clear out an entire room when you're in a pickle!
    • Mine Launcher — use it to strategically place mines that detonate on impact.
  • Improved Katana animation and range.
  • Random backgrounds.
  • ...and a bunch of little fixes.

Known bug: enemies can bet stuck in platforms sometimes.


Windows 27 MB
Version 9 Mar 10, 2024
Linux 23 MB
Version 3 Mar 10, 2024

Get Gun Crate Raccoon

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